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The photographs in Delicate Flight were created at the beginning of the COVID-19 lock down as a way to pass time while being at home. Mainly to experiment with a few new lenses, I started photographing a small feather I had found years earlier in the gully behind our house that I thought was interesting and beautiful.


As time wore on and the epidemic worsened, the “feather photos” took on a new meaning for me, as they became a meditation on the delicacy and fragility of life. Looking at the small feather close up, I became intrigued by its fragility, that the dynamics of flight depended on these tiny structures that enabled the bird to fly, to travel, to play, to catch its prey. Especially at that time, it struck me that our lives are also dependent on the delicate balance of the forces of the universe – our environment, our economies, our collective health. And when the one of these structures is out of balance, our lives can be disrupted and, for so many, altered irrevocably.

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